A Dating Site for People with Crohns,Ulcerative Colitis,IBD,Cancer,Ostomies

This Dating Site is dedicated for ONLY SINGLE people 18 years old and over that have IBD, Crohns Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Ostomies,Welcome to our "FOR SINGLES ONLY DATING SITE" who have Crohns,Colitis,IBD, IBS, Colon Cancer, or an Ostomie,Diverticulitis & Gastroparesis. You must post a picture, state your age, your State & Country. What disease do you have? We don't need to know all the details. This site is Private,only members will see what you post.If you have friends that are single feel free to invite them to our dating group only if they also have one or more of the disease's listed. This is NOT a support group for posting lots of medical comments, it is a Dating site.NO SEXUAL content will be permitted on site or to other members.
Read the letter under the banner on the page.Feel free to add to Discussion's and Questions of the day posted by our admins.Thank you & hope you'll have fun meeting others on here.
have had certain cancer's like colon cancer. We know that everyone needs support this site is not a illness support web site, it is a dating site just for the conditions mentioned. We ask that you use this site for that purpose only. We hope that everyone feels free to participate in the discussions that we have by sharing their feelings and opinions. You will be asked to put up a picture of yourself, age, where your live, and a brief statement on what disease(s) you have in order to stay on it. Thank you and hope you'll enjoy being on our Dating Site. It is private so only members will see your post.