McCall Classifieds and Positive Community CO OP

Do you have something for sale or need something specific?
Do you offer a service or products unique to Idaho or McCall?
Please feel free to post to tell us what you need or have.
Business members feel free to offer specials!
#1 rule is to be positive and supportive to everyone in this group.
#2 Have fun!
#3 This page is open to anyone who understands the concept of being positive to everyone in our community.
#4 If you are unable to control your need to express a negative thought, opinion, concept, fact or otherwise, please remove yourself from this page as it is not an appropriate place for you. Violators will be removed from the group.
#5 This page is designed to compliment, support, celebrate and be thankful for the wonderful things we have in our community. (Not to judge, defame, complain, gripe, moan, blame, form negative opinions about anything or anyone.)
#6 Everyone has a choice to be here.
#7 Everyone has a choice to leave here
#8 If you post and you detect negativity, do not engage. Report all negative comments.
#9 Abusive of reporting will be considered harassment and the user will be removed.
#10 Why do adults need such specific rules?
#11 Sales of prohibited items mentioned in face book's ad guidelines such as guns are not allowed on this site.