CEU Alumni and Friends in Bosnia and Herzegovina

CEU Alumni & Friends in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a forum for promoting and conversing among CEU’s global alumni community, including alumni-relevant university news and initiatives as well as professional and academic opportunities, news and current events.
This group is administered by staff of the CEU Alumni Relations team, who oversee the group, monitor posts and approve new members. The group is open to all CEU alumni, current students and faculty/staff. Please state your CEU affiliation by answering the membership question when joining the group. Profiles without CEU affiliation will be denied entry.
In line with Facebook’s Community Standards (https://www.facebook.com/communitystandards) we encourage group members to share material and post comments, but to do so respectfully. Differing opinions and debate are welcome, but personal attacks and excessive foul language will not be tolerated.
We reserve the right to review and remove abusive or repetitive posts, posts selling products or promoting commercial ventures, or individual crowdfunding campaigns, political agendas, and/or any other inappropriate content, and to ban users who violate these rules.
Posted comments do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Central European University or the CEU Alumni Relations office.
If you have any questions or concerns about CEU Alumni & Friends, please email us at [email protected]. We welcome all feedback.

Tags: ceu alumni