Cars for sale or swap Salisbury, Andover, Southampton and Bournemouth

Could everybody please note this is a vehicle related page ONLY,any one advertising things like mobile phones, sunglasses, handbags, house clearance,rubbish removal,man with van,scrap,will be removed,of course adverts for scrap cars/vehicles for sale wanted are most welcome.ANY VEHICLES/ITEMS WITHOUT PRICE WILL NOT BE APPROVED!!! (Unless offered PURELY for swap or vehicle being broken for spares THESE ADVERTS ALSO NEED A VALUE/PRICE TO to avoid you being offended by silly offers) SO THIS ALSO MEANS ANYONE STATING THINGS LIKE 'OFFERS'/ WHAT'S THIS WORTH'/'BEST OFFER TAKES IT' WITHOUT A PRICE WILL FIND THEIR POST WILL NOT BE APPROVED WITHOUT EXCEPTION!! We're sick and tired of dreamers/ messers/ idiots bidding ridiculous prices for cars and shall now start banning,if someones asking £1000 for a car they're not going to take £500 for it are they,if you insist on insulting people like this then we shall just ban you,no if's and's or but's about it.Also pointless 'Toilet paper' 'wanted' adverts for cars will not be approved because they are generally a waste of time due to any car being offered is either too big,too small,wrong colour etc.Thanks.Admin. Buy and sell group

Tags: swap salisbury, andover, southampton