This group is for the Beeville area! If you are not from Beeville then you must find a way to meet the seller here or work something else out with the seller. I will not allow fire arms, hunting bows or knives to be sold in this group! Seller has the option on who they want to sell to you do not have to wait hours for a reply and you don't have to go in order take the offer you believe is best. Please be careful when meeting because people have gotten robbed during exchanges or sales. For your safety do not post your phone number or address in the group if your comfortable with it that's fine I will not stop you. I also ask you only bump your items every 5 hours and do not bump more than 5 to keep other items visible to others. You decide whether you want to follow these guidelines or not the only one I do want followed is the no firearms, hunting bows or knives. I am NOT responsible for sales gone bad!! Also Do NOT pay through pay pal for an item until it is in your hands! Happy posting everyone enjoy the group (:
Also follow the law people you know what can and CANNOT be sold on sites like this! I am NOT responsible for anything that happens because of this site I would like members to know that nothing will fall back on me!! Your stuff, your decision to meet, your responsibility I'm just giving you a place to do it!