******... Remember if you sell an item lets make sure This site is for honest people buying and selling their legal goods and services. Please respect the admin/founder of this site and everyone who uses it by posessing honesty, integrity, good morals and business ethics. *******Remember this site is for everyone ... Please sell all legal items ... Illegal items sold with be the sellers responsibility ... Just letting you all no ahead of time ... We just had a incident on the AZ sight with a stolen item... Again seller it'll be your responsibility admin ( founders of this group) will not be responsible ... Let's hope this doesn't happen and this site grows even more .... Our junk is always someone else's treasure :)**********Please if you are to met anyone to pick up what you are buying PLEASE if you go to there house take someone along with you or if you going to met some place PLEASE go to were there are several people around this is for your safty*********If you have something to sell or have a party you want to invite everyone to to see the items you are selling then this is the place to do it in. and if you have things you wanna give away then post it here word gets around fast and everyone always needs something. Please invite any and all you think would benefit from this group. Hope you all enjoy>>>>>>>>>>>
. To delete your post using cell phone, go here, (full site), do not use your icon or cell application,
go to the page your post is on. Click the down arrow on the right side of your post, select remove. Some, if you have a photo, may need to do twice, the 2nd time, go back to where your post was, either it will be gone or do again you may get a pop up that reads remove, select. You are done, that's it. Then you can use your icon to go back to the cell phone application. Happy deleting.