東涌免廢谷 TungChungFreeGroup


本谷現僅接受有介紹人或共同朋友的新谷友加入,如你有興趣參與東涌免廢谷的 freecycle 活動,請先閱讀以下谷規,如同意遵守,請要求朋友將你新增至本谷,管理員會盡快批核。

1. 一切免費,不得進行買賣交換
2. 物主自決,送物完全隨心所欲
3. 減少消費,避免消費貼士廣告
4. 為有效管理,任何谷友不得封鎖管理員,一經發現,將立即逐離本谷。
5. 交收建議相約見面或順風,如須郵寄,郵費請實報實銷,即收多少郵費就貼多少郵票,或將多出郵費面值的郵票放入信封,不能收包裝或服務費。郵費參考:
6. 如有谷友多次違規、挑起罵戰、無禮失信、危害谷友個人安全或使用本谷,管理員將按情況逐離。

^^ my english not good, just do the tranlation in english by google as below, hope can help for everyone clear.thank you
Welcome to the TungChungFreeGroup!! We are promote environmental protection, reuse, reduce waste, reduce consumption. The group is now only accepts referrals or have mutual friends to join , if you are interested in participating in the Tung Chung freecycle free waste activities, please read the following group regulations, if they agree to comply, ask your friend to add you to the group, Administrator will approve as soon as possible. Group Regulation 1. Everything free, can not be traded. 2. Owners to self-determination, to send material completely arbitrary 3. Reduce consumption, to avoid consumer advertising. 4 Tips To effectively manage You may not blocking administrator, once discovered, will immediately expelled from the group. 5 suggested meet up for free item ,as required by mail, postage please accountable of the stamps value on envelopes, can not receive the package or service charges. postage fee reference:. Http://www.hongkongpost.hk/chi/postage/inland/index.htm 6 Group Friends of repeated violations, if any, to provoke war of words, rude dishonesty, personal safety or harm group Friends of the use of this valley, management Members will be expelled from the case.