CHATHAM EXCHANGE- Furniture-Household goods

A forum to enable people within the Chatham community to exchange, buy or sell used furniture, household goods.

Please read before submitting.
1. This site is for Furniture and household goods only. NO clothing, NO shoes, NO toys or personal items.
This site is open to Chatham, NJ residents and surrounding towns, within a 10 mile radius.
2. For safety reasons, please do not give out any personal information on posts (phone numbers or addresses). Please private message people your info. This also applies to recommendations.
3. In fairness to others, please limit your number of posts each day to 3. You may consolidate as many photos as you wish on a post.
Please do not BUMP if the Item hasn’t had any traction within a 48 hour period.
4. If an item has sold, please DELETE it.
5. Please NO reselling of Items purchased on this site. If a complaint is made,
the 3 strikes and your out, rule applies.
6. Please do not post advertisements for businesses here.
7. We will do our best to support Small LOCAL personal businesses here, but again if complaints are made, 3 strikes and your out, rule applies.
8. If you are searching for an item or asking for recommendations, please use the search feature first before posting a request.
9. Please report any inappropriate behavior.
10. 24 hour rule to next person applies.
11. Finally, Admins are not responsible for any transactions of any items between parties buying or selling in this group. Please be wise when selling and buying.
PLEASE please Be respectful. We are here to help. If you have any questions or suggestions, we welcome the feedback! Have fun!!!!!!
Special Thanks to Kelly for allowing me to share in your guidelines list.