Sand Springs Gossip Central


1. This group is a forum to "spread the word", to announce, inquire and comment about various goings-on in Sand Springs, such as business referrals, new businesses, business closings or relocations, local projects, school happenings, non-profit fund-raisers, and the like.

2. It is NOT a forum to spread hurtful speech or individual attacks, sales ads (including non-charity garage sales), business advertising (other than to respond to business referral inquiries), SPAM, or general whininess.

3. Requests to join by persons who do not have publicly viewable information on their timeline that indicates a tie (current or former) to the Sand Springs area, either residence, workplace, or school will be ignored. If you do not have said information publicly viewable, you will need to PM the admin of the group.

4. Posts that are shares that display "Attachment Unavailable" will be deleted as a matter of course, as their content cannot be determined. These are generally due to the original post not being shared as "Public".

5. Although this is a closed group, there are several thousand members. If you want to rant and NOT have any feedback about your post, whether in agreement or opposition, please vent on your own timeline.

6. If you have an inquiry about why your post or comment was removed, please send a PM to the admin of the group.

7. Situational posts that are resolved should be removed once resolved. For example, a post regarding a missing animal should be removed once the animal has been reunited with the owner, or the posting (and reposting) of Amber or Silver Alerts, which should be removed once the alert has been cancelled.

8. Posts regarding lost, found, and giveaway animals are allowed, as are event notifications about organized adoption events by non-profit groups. Posts offering animals for sale (including rehoming fees) are prohibited. You are encouraged to post lost, found, giveaway and rehoming posts to "Sand Springs Pets And Rescues" at