What's Up Riverside County?

WURC is about Friends, Neighbors & Business Associates posting w...hat they like and feel that is important
~Acceptance of All People, Cultures & Animals
~~Kindness is a "strength" & something worthy of striving in our everyday lives so please no attacking members since it is against Facebook Community Standards and WURC adhere to FCS policies and rules created by WURC over time to keep peace
~~~Members of WURC are Photographers, Reporters and Critics (PRC)...Be a Professional
~~~~ Post what you like for deleting your opinion is against WURC's Ideology (Negative post will be given time to exercise Freedom of Speech but overtime at Admins discretion will be deleted. Positive post does not get deleted but nothing has a life time guarantee so don't be alarmed if it is deleted)
~~~~~WURC belongs to the Members and your input and posts dictate the direction and temperature of the site
~~~~~~WURC is a Global Group and accepts Members from around the World so Everyone is Welcome. Peace can only be achieved through understanding & continuous communication. Name of the group originated from the Creator of the Group who believes Riverside County is the Center of the World and the center of the Universe is Him...
Advertising policy is simple for...
What's Up Riverside County?
1. Be on John Denilofs, JD Denilofs, J Dave Denilofs, Phi Long Tran or Denilofs Dave John friends list and add 100 Friends to WURC to be able to post advertising...
2. Local activities that all members can attend for free do not have requirements to post...