How to start a chat with members of a facebook group which I’m in?

Facebook group is truly an ideal place where people can not only share information but also discuss about their concern. Members can chat all together in group messages, eventhough they have not become friends with each other. Spetacularly, those who are not friends still can message individually and start a one-on-one conversation. Starting a chat with members of a group you’re in is currently only applied for groups under 50 members. To send a message to the members of a group you’re in, you need to follow these steps


Step 1: Login to your Facebook account and go to the facebook group.

Step 2: On the top of your group, you can see option Message, click on it.

Step 3:  On the member list appeared, choose members you want to have in group message by ticking on their names. If you want to chat with all members, click on Select All. When you finish choosing members, click Start Chat.

Step 4: If you want to add more people to the conversation, on the chat box you will see this icon  (Add more friends to chat). Click on it and select those friends you want to add to conversation.