Simpsonville Swap & Shop for EVERYONE

This is a Simpsonville group.EVERYONE PLEASE READ: POSTS AND MEMBERS IN VILOATION OF THE RULES GET DELELTED BY THE ADMINISTRATORS- #1.This group has no rules about the # of X's you bump (typing bump, *, still available, or other comments) into the comments to move your item up to the top of the page BUT repeat bumping bogs down in the feed so the rule is to DELETE all previous "bump" comments when you re- bump. #2. DELETE YOUR ITEM WHEN IT SELLS. Do not type sold in comments, just delete it! #3 IF YOU MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO MEET UP - THEN SHOW UP. If there is an emergency then be courteous enough to contact the other party & explain what happened. No show is a violation that results in being banned. #4 THERE IS NO GUARENTEE YOU WILL GET ANY ITEM JUST BECAUSE YOU COMMENT. If you want to buy an item then make a firm commitment I WANT THIS. The seller has no obligation to sell to you because you asked a question or made a comment on their item. This includes asking questions, saying interested, saying next, etc. It is always the sellers’ choice to sell to whom they want and at the price they want. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. #5 Either party can change their mind and communicate that to each other PRIOR to a scheduled meet up. #6 If you get to a meet and the item is not as represented, don’t buy it. If you pay and leave with it, it’s yours. #7 Take complaints & negative comments to private messages or the police if a law has been violated. #8 Drama/rude/negative comments and the member posting them will be deleted. #9 NO ANIMAL BREEDERS ALLOWED. Animal rescue groups & re homing are welcome. you go: #10 POSTING YARDS SALES/ GARAGE SALES/MOVING SALES Post the day/location/times of the sale. It is understood NO PRESALES, NO HOLDS. Yard/garage sales are not to list individual items but rather to announce the location and times of the sale for people to come to it. Most people just want others to physically come out to the location and make offers on their stuff. It is a NIGHTMARE trying to field FB questions, put items aside (hoping the person actually shows up for it) , and mange the people who are physically present with cash in hand. An item can still be there one minute and sold the next. #11 POST ONLY ONE PHOTO IN A POST OR USE A COLLAGE APP such as, instaframe, picaart, piccollage, or others. WHY IS THIS REQUIRED? Multiple photos or albums cause the issue of repeat posts Single photos or collages do not. For a single photo post, you can post the ONE best photo of your item in the header post and then provide additional photo views in the comments. This method does not create any separate posts.