You Know You're From Keyser when.....

This is for anyone who is either from that small town known as Keyser, West Virginia, has some connections to Keyser, went to Potomac State, does go to Potomac State, or knows and agrees with the things listed.

1. Wal-Mart is the big talk of the town.
2. You know what that smell is every morning that smells like a dirty gym locker room.
3. That damn train rolls in every day sometimes even at 3 am but then again so do fire drills and you're also tired of those too.
4. You know what pepperoni rolls are and wish that there was more of a selection in Keyser.
5. Sheetz is the best gas station ever.
6. The big teenage hangout is at Denny's.
7. There's actually a street in town that's nothing but brick and sidewalk.
8. No one under 21 is actually born in Keyser because the hospital hasn't delivered babies since 1986.
9. If you want something to do, you go to Cumberland, Morgantown, or Winchester.
10. There's about a 1000 churches and about 5000 fast food restaurants.
11. There are 5 ways out of town ( 1 ) is up Green Mt road (2) is toward Piedmont (3) Across the Keyser bridge (4) out 46 West (5) 220 toward New Creek.
12. Everybody knows just about everyone and you're probably related to half the people in town.
13. There are too many skunks at night!!!
14. We are actually a college town...just not as big as you'd think.
15. You know a shortcut to get to anywhere.
16. You've attended the Burlington Apple Harvest Festival.
17. The town has the same street structure as San Francisco.
18. You could get arrested in Los Angeles or die in Miami and people from here still know about it.
19. After you graduate from KHS, you will most likely go on to Potomac State even though you probably don't want to.
20. As a kid, Halloween and Christmas were your two favorite holidays of the year.
21. You're a Mountaineer fan and most likely, a Steelers fan.
22.John Kruk is the most famous person. (AAAHHHHHH!!!)
23. There's actually a kid's park and you know where it is.
24. You tried to do something stupid and walked to Wal-Mart.
25. You know where to get a haircut for $6.00.
26. Anything past the cut-off bridge on 220 should be considered Keyser.
27. 3 feet of snow comes in for New Year's.
28. Admit it, you listen to country or at the very least, Christian rock!!!
29. There's 4 radio stations. (Yikes!!!)
30. You have an accent and you're proud.
31. You want an excused abscence from school for hunting in November and December.
32.You go through Cumberland and don't realize you're in a different state.
33. Our biggest exports all involve trees which we have plenty of.
34. You actually read the Keyser and Cumberland news to compare.
35. You're a Keyser fan over being a Frankfort fan but you know and associate with people from both sides. (Tornadoes rock!!!)
36. If you work, you work at Denny's or McDonald's.
37. You go to Friday Night Live (Maybe!!!)
38. You've played basketball, swam, and walked on the track at the South End.
39. You know what South End is.
40. Elk Garden should be in a whole different county. It's too far away.
41. In 4th grade, "Wayside Story" was your favorite book.
42. Your fall weekends are obsessed with Keyser, WVU, and Steelers football.
43. You can't stand Fort Hill or Allegany but you were probably born less than a mile away.
44. It takes you forever to get across the main street but you also know where Main Street is. (Hint: We need more stoplights.)
45. Mrs. Mussen was the best counselor ever.
46. It is "The Friendliest City In the USA" or at least that's what the sign says.
47. You're confused because there's about 3 Do Not Turn Left signals in the middle of town so you don't know where to turn.
48. When learning to drive, you get to drive off of Knobley Road which is full of turns.
49. Taking a trip on the main roads requires you to pass Knobley Road at least 3 times.
50. We have a Hershey Hollow and a Hooker Hollow Road, Now what!!!
51.You know where the Auction Hall is to pick up some stranger's stuff off of E-bay.
52. No, our town isn't spelled like the rolls.
53. The nickname of the college is "Pot State".
54. Skiing is done in the Canaan Valley.
55. You've been to Blackwater Falls and probably on the 4th of July.
56. Whoo-hoo, you've seen the fireworks at Stayman field every year on the 4th.
57. You wish the fireworks would last longer than 20 minutes.
58. It always threatens to rain on the 4th.
59. We have a Rhodes scholar. Yep, we are intelligent.
60. Everything looks dead in winter and I mean everything.
61. You know that there's a town called Markwood.
62. When you have nothing to do and you create a Facebook group called..."You know you're from Keyser when."
63. The Dairy Queen is awesome and you go there at least twice a week.
64. You name your team the Tornadoes and guess what...a tornado literally shows up.
65. There's four seasons and all four last way too long.
66. Your beach is Virginia Beach which is disgusting and full of urine and feces. (Love the town though)
67. You hate trying to pronounce crayon, Massachusetts, and Capon Bridge.
68. I-68 is the most famous interstate, not I-80, 90, 79, 77, or 64.
69. You know that Garrett County personally names every mountain.
70. You want to sue Keyser's Ridge for copyright infringement.
71. You think anyone who doesn't like WV can go to hell.
72. You say pop, not soda.
73. There's about 15000 birds that pass by at 6 pm in late summer.
74. We have beautiful sunsets.
75. You will probably go to Morgantown sometime to go party and bring a couch just in case.
76. You will want to leave eventually and eventually you will.
77. After you've left for awhile, you start to miss it.
78. You are used to all of Keyser and its surrounding quirks even if they can be annoying at times.
79. Dominoes and Vocelli's and Pizza Hut and Fox's (All good pizzas) are here, now why can't we have a Papa John's.
80. You will race a car in your lifetime.
81. You think of yourself as a conservative democrat.
82. You can brag to a traveler and say you've passed through 15 states when really you went through 2 states 15 times.
83. You remember when we had a Mr. Donut, Helig Meyer's and an Ames.
84. Walking too much gives you a hate for hills.
85. You enjoy a trip to the car wash.
86. You remember the Halloween track walks around KPMS.
87. You still Trick-or-Treat.
88. You remember passing through to buy something at Martin's and you were listening to Sugar Ray's "Someday".
89. McCoole's isn't all that cool.
90. 135 has about 15 danger spots.
91. You have a great-grandmother who chops her own wood.
92. Apples are huge here.
93. Football is not the most played sport, baseball is.
94. But you wish football was the most played.
95. You know all about the Frostburg's "Noah's Ark".
96. Half the buildings probably should be condemned.
97. You know there's an actual leash law.
98. Face it, when you were a kid, your dad let you scratch all the lottery tickets.
99. You wonder why all the teams that Keyser plays in sports are all in 4 different conferences.
100. When you laugh at the people who acknowledge that "it's the friendliest city in the USA."
101. When you say, "Oh, those Staggers boys" and everyone knows who you are talking about.
102. When you hear someone saying the feud is too much to bare and they are referring to the on going FHS and KHS football teams going head to head.
103. There are other feuds such as HHS and KHS and you actually recognize it.
104. You party green mountain style.
105. You consider Queens Point all WV.
106. You get pulled over and know the officer personally.
107. You're most likely a Christian and not afraid to say so.
108. You exclaim there's nothing to do and someone inevitably says, "Wanna Go to Wal-Mart."
109. There's only One McDonald's but three Subways.
110. You're from Keyser if the same officers pull you over multiple times AND know your family and have been to you house.
111. You can't go through town without buying a new car. (We have 1000 car lots or at least it seems so.)
112. You miss Little Caesar's like crazy.....Mmmm....Pizza Pizza.
113. You remember the Christmas tree star and miss it.
114. When you've lived here for over a month and you already know about half the things on this list.
115. You have adopted and fed one of the many stray cats in the area.
116. There's a gun shop next to the church.
117. For years, you thought the Armory was a place where they had a picnic.
118. When you get older, you still have kept in touch with half of your high school class.
119. You can buy the work shirts of someone else's name.
120. You know every dollar store, yes all 4, like the back of your hand.
121. You know what "No-Bake" cookies are and have eaten them and you probably enjoy them as well.
122. If you have flown down Harley O' Staggers Street but slowed down close to the middle school.
123. Your first trip to Elk Garden almost left you with an empty tank of gas and a scary trip through the middle of nowhere.
124. The road is closed due to rocks sliding off the hill.
125.You remember the name of all of your elementary, middle, and high school teachers... and they all remember you.
126.When you take enter your 4x4 pickup in the creek at the middle school and exit upstream at the clinic!
127. The gas is the cheapest in the 4-state area!!!
128. When you correct someone who calls your high school sports team the Golden Tornadoes. It's Golden Tornado!!!
129. When you get pulled over for speeding, but the cop lets you go because the road you're driving on has your last name in its name.
130. You remember having Halloween at the Fire Hall because it wasn't safe to trick-or-treat.
131. You remember the annual Fireman's Carnival at the Fire Hall.
132. You know that you cannot go all the way from one end of certain streets to the other end (B Street, C Street, etc).
133. Every home has to have at least one police scanner to know what is going on.
134. If there is a fire in town within walking distance, -you (And many of your friends and neighbors) will go watch the fire.
135. The Armory is also the place for roller skating and high school dances. (At least, it was up until 1986).
136. You remember the Custard stand and know what a half & half is.
137. You remember the days at the original KHS when there was an open-campus lunch policy. (You could leave to go home or downtown for lunch and were trusted to come back to class.)
138. You say Patterson's CrEEk, but New CrICk. Or you drive on rOOt two-twenty to get to r-OUT fifty.
139.Your high school principal graduated from that high your Mom's class!
140.You have a good friend who lives in the "Airport Addition," but you have never seen an airport.
141. You point to the top-middle of your thumb when flipping someone off to show where your town is in WV!
142. You are proud to say that on a map shirt of WV, Keyser is located where your nipple is.
143. You were in the Boy Scout troop that put up the "Friendliest City" sign as part of Pat N.'s Eagle project.
144. You've experienced serious deja vu after attending Keyser Middle School for four years, then first walk into FHS for a basketball away game.
145. You thought the Mineral Daily News Tribune was on par with the New York Times.
146. You've ever used your car odometer to test whether McCoole is really one mile away when crossing THE bridge like the sign says -- you just know that bridge is NOT one mile long.
147.Your sister was in the "Flaming K's" (fire department baton twirllers club) and nobody questioned anyone's sexual orientation. LMAO!
148.You tell friends that your uncle works at the paper mill and your cousin works at the glass plant and nobody asks for further explanation.
149. You know that the author of Frosty the Snowman is burried in Queens Point Cemetary and he wrote Frosty while living in Keyser.
150. You know that Mineral St. is not Main Street.
151. You know what Queens Point is.
152. You refer to Sheetz as "Kenny's Corner."
153. You remember "Tac" Clark throwing his clipboard around during KHS football games.
154. You teased Jim Turbin on Groundhog's Day and lived to tell about it.
155. Lunchtime meant a walk downtown and then you congregated on the front steps to wait for the bell to ring.
156. You know the story about the devil bursting through the floor at that bar many years ago, and you know someone who knows someone who witnessed it happen.
157. You still call Knobley Farms store "Jack's."
158. You drove the "back roads" with your friends for HOURS when you were a teen because you were bored and thought there was nothing better to do, and now you realize how precious those times were and how blessed you are to have had them.
159. You call El Jinete , El Sampsons and actually know why.
160. You remember the steps in the "Old" High School being so worn out that when you stepped on the second step you were actually LOWER than the first and you were supposed to be going UP!
161. Getting a Chick-Fil-A near Wal-Mart is called expanding. (We actually are getting a Chick-Fil-A).
162. You know that the proper way to say "I'm going to Piedmont" is "I'm goin up Piedmont."
163. You know your from Keyser when you're friends with the owners of every bar in town and you've still been kicked out of them at least twice.
164. When all you want to do is get away from this little town after graduation...but then find yourself moving back to raise a family.
165. You know of or have driven on Hooker Hollow road or Fried Meat Ridge Road!
166. I remember when there wasn't a McDonalds & Walmart. Jimmy's Pizza and the Bowling Alley were the hot spots. After school everyone went to Romig Durg Store for a Soda.
167. Go to Queens Point and drink a fifth while skipping school. Boone's farm mind you!
168. You literally walked the very same halls in high school that not just your parents did...but also your grandparents - and, in the rare case...your great-grandparents!
169. Stayed at the palatial Keyser Inn.
170. You used to throw hot dogs at the FHS bus as they left the football games, and you know why.
171. You used to giggle when you heard the Romney team wanted to play KHS for homecoming, because we won every year (the most 1-sided "rivalry" ever).
172. You used to go to high school football games at Stayman Field at Pot State College because our own field was only 70 yards long!!!
173. You carried the opposing team's dummy downtown for homecoming and burned it in effigy on the back playground and you know what a Thuse is.
174. You bought beer with or without an altered ID at Birdies.
175. You waited on the high school steps at lunchtime to see if your number got called in the Wrestling Team's fruitcake drawing!
176. You also bought band hoagies and know where Killer Hill is and why they call it that.
177. You knew what a Universal weightlifting machine was and how much it cost.
178. You remember when the Elementary School was literally next door to the High School, and we shared the Cafeteria.
179. When certain High School Teachers taught our parents, aunts, uncles or cousins...besides us.
180. The Keyser Theater.
181.The Keyser Teen Club...located next to the K of P Armory.
182. Jimmies' Shoe Shop.
183. Calemine's Shoe Shop.
184. Clement's Jewelry Store.
185. Coaches "Tack" Clark, "Joe" Stan, "Jim" Broome, "Jim" Turbin, "Eck" Miers, "Ed" Jordan
"The Thunderhill Singers"...Jim Broome, Ed Jordan, Jerry Marsh.
186. The A&P Store next to the High School.
187. Weese's Appliance Store on Mineral Street.
188. Reese's Hackley Stores...all 4 of them and where they were.
189. Herb Harmon's Store...right across the street from the courthouse.
190. Roming's Rexall Drug Store.
191. Two Barber Shops...Moon's on Main Street, and the other one on Armstrong Street ("Mater" Liller, Don Heare) that was next to Grayson's Sporting Goods aand Keyser Taxi.
192. A certain section of Fort Avenue on the West End was closed during the winter...sledding was good; but not recommended.
193. The Liberty Theater.
194. Ebert's Jewelry.
195. Custard's Last Stand.
196. "Radical Hill".
197. Davidson's Army/Navy Store.
198. Davidson's D&D Cleaners.
199. WKLP Radio Station w/Johnnie Santee, Larry Travis, Ed Miller, "Dusty" Shaver.
200. Go 106 used to play the best songs ever before the year 2000.
201. 105.3 is a pretty brilliant station too.
202. During summer band practice (on our 70 yd field), you'd head to the Royal for a quick and cheap lunch of french fries with gravy.
203. You understand that a Golden Tornado is not some twisted, sexual fetish.
204. Your grandma had an old toilet in the front yard for a flower pot!
205. Remember the best hamburgers and steak subs in the world were made at the Sandwich Palace on Armstrong Street and never had any that come close in comparison since.
206. You know where "Killer Hill" was but wished you didn't........
207. When the best hot dogs in town came from the custard stand just down the street from the high school, the old high school that is.
208. When you know that Frosty the Snowman and Peter Cottontail were written by a Keyser native.
209. When Nunzio was the band director and we practiced marching in West End.
210. When you ate lunch at the Rosemont.
211. When you hung out at the Bowler, then went next door to eat pizza.
212. When you lived for Friday night football.
213. When you ran to the Custard stand for something to drink on our very short breaks in band camp.
214. You remember CYO dances at St. Mary's Hall.
215. When you walked downtown to the Green Fern restaurant to eat mashed potatoes and gravy with a roll for lunch.
216. Whenever you had a penny and could go to SPANO's store in the West End and get lots of candy.
217. On Saturdays, going to a matinee and having to choose which movie you wanted to see since there were three theaters in town.
218. When you could get a nickel ice cream cone from the Cozy Corner.
219. When the crowd sang "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" when we beat Piedmont in basketball.
220. When you returned home at Christmas and strained to see the Potomac State Star when you crossed the bridge at McCoole.
221. When they lit the star/Christmas tree on top of PSC at Christmas time in Keyser.
222. You remember Doll's Custard Stand that was close to the Keyser pool.
223. You remember the restaurant at the Greyhound Bus Terminal where every Wednesday was spaghetti day.
224. When you walked downtown for lunch and got a fountain vanilla cake at the back of People Drug Store.
225. You were going to the pool hall on Center Street at lunchtime and maybe going back to school.
226. You ate lunch with all your friends at Romig's everyday during the school year-usually a beef burger and a shake.
227. You had slow-gin and a Big Gulp cup, 1/2 filled with Sprite from the Dairy Queen and then you headed to Waxler Road.
228. You remember the awesome hot dogs with chili from Custard's Last Stand.
229. You got to chat with the beautiful and awesome Shirley Hess, the ultimate "cool mom".
230. When Mr. Reel would be helping the crossing guard and we would ask him if we could walk to the custard stand to buy pixie sticks.
231. On Halloween, the entire grade school would parade downtown for all of town to see with cake walks, candy apples, games and prizes, and traveling between buildings on the old fire escape as a 6-year old.
232. Going from room-to-room in costumes to play games or purchase snacks during the "Halloween Jamboree".
233. You went to dances at the Armory.
234. Eating a pepperoni roll from Fox's at lunchtime.
235. Sneaking in the Royal to smoke cigarettes.
236. Chili hot dogs and ice cream cones from the Custard stand.
237. Leaving Mr. Wilson's class through the window.
238. You spent the entire month of August at band camp and every weekend at football games and competitions.
239. You loved getting out of school half a day on Fridays to go see the Tornado play home games, then stopping at Custard's Last Stand and get some chili dogs.
240. Home-game days were the only time that jeans were allowed in school.
241. The first thing you would smell in the morning was the papermill.
242. Getting the best tan in town meant walking down to the Perkins Health Spa.
243. Your car can drive itself back and forth between the Bowling Alley and the Chat-n-Chew on Friday and Saturday nights...on $2.00 of gas.
244. You can remember being the teenage DJ for a week at WKLP radio with Jamie Dorsey.
245. You can go to breakfast and get wonderful french toast, sausage gravy, homefries, and eggs for under $5.
246. The words Shapiro's, Shears, Kaplon's, and Jay's Shoe Store meant high fashion.
247. When you would circle from KFC to the post office during the strip 50 times at night.
248. When you would park in McDonald's parking lot to wait for your friends to come and then do the Keyser Loop like 100 times.
249. Your dogs fart and there's an article in the News Tribune about it the next morning.
250. You can drink an entire six-pack while running from Gary Merrit and Bill Roy and still get away.
251. Mr. Donut was the place to be for coffee on a cold morning.
252. When you could Christmas shop downtown at GC Murphys and going upstairs was cool.
253. Murphy's sold the little peeps and ducklings at Easter.
254. You remember the horse that you could put a quarter in and get a ride.
255. When you could watch some of the boys climb out of the front windows of KHS and go downtown during (Insert teacher's name here)'s class.
256. When Jamie Dorsey, Larry Travis, Curtis Durst, and I on WKLP Radio would host the record hops at the Westernport Teen Town on Friday and Saturday nights. Then, with Dennis Morris, handle the same at the West End Playground.
257. When you survived Mr. Elliott's Science Class, Mr. Schaeffer's Chemistry Class, and Coach Thompson's Driver's Ed Class.
258. When you remember the Attic Lounge and Stewart's Restaurant with the best fish sandwiches EVER!!!
259. When you remember Duck Pin Bowling at the Pool Hall.
260. When the Keyser Theater and Liberty Theater competed against each other.
261. When Jamie and Shelby Dinteman worked at the Keyser Theater.
262. Ice skating on New Creek near the Filtration Plant with big bon fires which would take hours when you got home to thaw out your fingers and toes.
263. You start craving french fries with gravy from the Royal.
264. You skip classes and head to the Royal to hide out when they had the booths and you would carve your name in the booths.
265. You could hangout at the car wash.
266. When you had played car "Cat and mouse" in the airport so much you knew exactly which driveways you could pull in without the owners coming out and lights coming on.
267. You remember the card shop with Charms lollipops.
268. When you sat on the wall by the Church going up to the college.
269. Making the loop about 1000 times a night and meeting everyone in auto stores parking lot or hanging out by the pay phones at R.G's.
270. When you open your windows up in the spring and smell the Potomac River stinking up the town.
271. Hanging out on the Church steps at the corner of Main Street before you go up to the old high school every morning before school or the big white house on the corner across from the old high school parking lot always started your day out right.
272. Hanging out at the pool hall on the weekends was the greatest ever.
273. You ate at the best restaurant ever which was Jimmy's Pizza.
274. When you know what the sentence, "Old Man Luke is out tonight" means.
275. When you spend every free night of the week you have doing the "Keyser 500" from downtown up to US Cellular and back...over and over and over again and hanging out in the parking lot there and Martin's and Wal-Mart.
276. When you went to the Royal for lunch which consisted of a Reese's Cup and a Pepsi.
277. When you could go to the Keyser pool in the summer and hangout with your friends and watch the boys.
278. When you could sit in the Student Union at Pot State and play poker and back alley in between classes.
279. When you can blow your car horn from Memorial Bridge and half the town knows your home.
280. When you go to the Royal and even though it's the 80s, the old jukeboxes on the table still work.
281. When the kids still do all those loops around town.
282. The big football feud was between keyser and Bruce High Schools with thuses on the front steps and burning of the dummy at Homecoming.
283. Getting french fries at the Keyser pool, having them fall out of the container, stepping on them, and having the fries squish up between your toes.
284. When your mom gave you 50 cents for the pool-25 cents to get in and 25 cents to spend.
285. You could leave the school campus and go to Romic's drug store for lunch with the old-fashioned soda fountain and your big weekend was walking around town and hanging out at Video Village.
286. When you remember the roller skating rink downtown.
287. when you remember skipping class and going down to Fox's to eat and just run around town...and your parents caught you.
288. When you remember the old bowling alley that used to be where Denny's is now.
289. Where the best chili dogs in the USA are located, period.
290. When you heard that Keyser was going to be on TV, you watched the show no matter what.
291. When you meet relatives that you've never even heard of before you met them.
292. You know the Thunderhill Singers and were groupies for them.
293. Having the singers as teachers at KHS.
294. Dancing to "Beggars Farm"...everywhere they played.
295. You always know when it's 7:00 pm on Friday.
296. You remember Homecoming Parades, Friday afternoon football games at Potomac State, and those ginormous mums worn for Homecoming with the little footballs dangling from the tips of the black and gold ribbons.
297. The Mary Ray's huge cinnamon rolls.
298. You lived in Burlington but went to KHS. Then you end up working in Hampshire Co. and have to go to work the next day after the Tornado Team KICKED BUTT!!!
299. When the sound of a train at 11:00 at night makes you homesick.
300. When you remember Hackleys store where you could buy penny candy.
301. When you remember "Smokehole" on school property.
302. When you remember the dances over at the Keyser Firehall.
303. When there was Cops and Robbers, Kick the Cans, and Hide and Seek with the whole neighborhood down on Water Street.
304. You remember hanging out on the front steps of KHS (The old KHS) and the back playground.
305. Walking across top of Wall across from old hospital.
306. Sled riding on Virginia Street on "Hill" at top from Baltimore St. all the way down to Kenny's Korner... without stopping.
307. Specifying our Playgrounds with Cardinal Points.... North End, South End, West End, East End.
308. Movie night at the playgrounds.
309. Reference people use of Knowing something so well like the "back on their hand" is replaced by driving Piedmont Road.. at night..... with your lights off.
310. Riding bikes to middle school and hiding them behind old bowling alley or behind 7-11.
311. Kids would ride bikes everywhere; all over town.
312. Tues $1 movie night at Tri Towns Theatre.
313. Amtrak station.
314. High's convenience store.
315. Heck's.
316. L.A. Joes.
317. Cugas from Shoe World.
318. The Tunnel on the "Island".
319. "It" pop from Sheetz.
320. Cheesy Pepperoni Rolls & Biscuits & Gravy in a cup from Mr. Donut
321. KFD recruits following happy hours.
322. Perky's Spa sold Nike shoes.
323. Garment Factory.
324. Crowds at Kiwanis 4th of July Celebration.
325. Crowds at Keyser Pool.
326. Moon Pies from vending machine at Keyser Pool.
327. Sled riding at Killer Hill.
328. Ice Cream truck coming to Keyser Pool.
329. TV van would video Keyser Little League Baseball and air on a local TV channel.
330. The Hail Storm on 4th of July.
331. Parker's BMX course at now New Fire Station and New Bowling Alley.
332. You were there during the literal tornados of June 2, 1998.
333. Being an Avid Runner that could handle the Keyser, Tri Towns, Piedmont "Loop".
334. You remember Tack (Derf) Clark and Tom ( What Cha) O'Conner during practices.
335. People remember your old truck even when you weren’t there.
336. Delozier's Sub shop for the best subs.
337.You remember your brother working at WKLP and then you climbing the tower to change the light bulbs.
338. The Roundhouse Spaghetti House!!
339. Milkshakes at Reed's Pharmacy.
340. Remember gathering after school at grandma's house, sitting on the floor in front of the stereo with cousins, waiting to here our letters to Santa to be read on the radio.
341. Hanging out at the Keyser pool...under the watchful eye of groundhog.
342. Having the sixth grader on patrol at Mineral Street for the school crossing under the direction of Robert Junkins.
343. Trick or treating when it was actually dark & people would give out homemade treats & candy apples & you weren't afraid to eat them.
344. Going up by killer hill and dodging cow poop to sneak into football games.
345. If Buck Brooks ever sold you anything, i.e. lifesavor suckers, cell phones, car washes...
346. You know exactly how to avoid every parade route on particular days or traffic routes on the 4th of July and Halloween.
347. You can immediately identify the smell of a pulp and paper mill anywhere in the country and it's even worse when you can taste it.
348. Playing jail break from A. St. to D. St.
349. Remember when there were 4 football teams.
350. The fire escape and outback volleyball.
351. Birdies.
352. You say, "Stop me at Potomac Valley Hospital only long enough to stabilize me and move me to a real hospital".
353. You have been through the old tunnel beacuse the train was blocking every crossing from the North Side.
354. Buying your shoes at Jay's, your boots at Army-Navy, and getting bait at Grayson's when you stopped to turn in your film.
355. Having your pick of Gulf stations, Ernie's or Ervin's, just pick which end of W. Piedmont St.
356. Going to Grayson's with your dad to get your first real gun.
357. Chinese fire drills all around town in the most random spots.
358. Getting carsick everytime going up the winding mountain to Elk Garden.
359. Taking the WV side to Westernport.
360. Jumping the bridge.
361. You're flying up the WV side with the lights off and Mark White is driving and the car is packed with about 15 kids.
362. Dr. From's house and Waxler Roads Haunted House…sitting on Mike Lyon's lap and having the door slammed on the hand!!!
363. Doc From used to trade eggs for animal services...we paid him in eggs and he saved many of our animals!
364. Dollar Movie Nights at Tri Towns Cinema on Tuesdays...............
365. You took a big pot to the Round House to be filled with spaghetti for dinner!
366. Be careful not to spill the pot in on your way home or they would send you in for more.
367. Round House had the best subs.
368. You had a favorite “parking” spot on the Island.
369. You got caught skipping class because your truck wasn't parked were in normally was!
370. You and your friends decide to walk thru the KFC Drive thru.
371. You remember when it was only a KFC and the High’s was next door….best hand-dipped ice cream “outside” of town!
372. You bought albums at Rockin’ Robin and ate next door at the Steak Pit!
373. After dark, You drive through Queens point cemetery on a dare and a bunch of guys pick up your car and put dents in the roof of the car because they rode on the top of it!
374. You remember parallel parking on Main St.
375. You know all about cow jam.
376. When you remember how the city police would sober you up and tell you to be careful on the way home.
377. Hanging out at the wall in front of the Presbyterian Church.
378. You remember how you could see skin flicks from the road at the drive-in.
379. You leave home early to deal with old fart drivers....
380. Cruising from the bowling alley, down Mineral St to Piedmont St, Main St, pass the pool hall on Center St, Davis St back to Piedmont St, down by the West end playground, back down St Cloud to Mineral, ride thru the McDonalds lot then to the bowling alley to bum a cigarette and do it again.
381. You remember dances at the armory (and all the drama that took place in that building and outside in the parking lot).
382. Running to the A & P to grab a drink and a pack of cigarettes before school.
383. Watching the idiots get into shopping carts and being pushed by other idiots.
384. Coach Turbin & Coach Kuhn taught you how to run hurdles.
385. You remember running down Main St. to Village Card Shop to buy cigarettes before school.
386. Going to Kenny's Market on Mineral Street or stocking up on gum from Prichard's.
387. You remember the Rick Hills band playing and between sets they brought out the trampoline for us to jump on.
388. You remember Kemps chili dogs, the best ever!
389. When teens had three places to hang out and jitterbug- Fire Hall, Moose and the VFW plus three theaters - Keyser, Liberty and Music Hall!
390. Feeding the ducks down on Water Street!
391. Ladies night every Wed. at the Haven, then hitting the Sports Pub for the latest last call in town!
392. When your big weekend was a path from McDonalds to the Chat and back.
393. Occasional stops at High Rock to watch the drag racing.
394. You miss the sound of the fire alarm at 7 pm on a Friday night.
395. Partying at the pit and the old cemetery, both on Limestone Road.
396. Drinking just about anywhere that wasn't in front of parents and knowing exactly where those places are.
397. When you have fond memories of the original "catdog lady" Mary Fuller.
398. Loved the chat and the races.
399. You remember Betty Lou Hawkins walking around town in a full length fur coat in the middle of summer with nothing on underneath searching all the ash trays for butts outside local stores.
400. You spent many cross-eyed evenings going from the Stray Cat's $.99 margarita night to The Haven just in time to hear S.O.S. play "Keep 'Em Separated" to help all that tequila settle.....or sometimes NOT settle.....
401. You used to steal quarters from your mom to go to Pulliams to play pinball.
402. You also collected pop bottles to buy candy from Harmans Store.
403. Q94.
404. You remember drinking beers in McDonald's parking lot.... And the run ends with KIP!
405. The Green Phantom Parties at the Legion on the hill.....probably mid- to late-70's.
406. You miss skating at the old roller rink with the old tub races and possibly breaking a wrist or knocking out your two front teeth.
407. You also loved going shopping at Murphy's.
408. Good music on the loud speaker. Silly Love Songs, by Paul McCartney and Wings, Afternoon Delight, Stairway to Heaven, and Blinded by the Light!!!
409. How about the null, up in the airport!!!
410. You remember watching Keyser little league baseball games on PVTV! And watching either Tom or Bob Moore smacking a homer into the center of the camera.
411. You remember that one of the original 12 cable channels was a collection of black & white circular dials which scrolled left to right (then reverse) showing the time, temperature, wind speed, etc...
412. Partying at the "Islands".
413. How about the Hi-Rock Drive In and stuffing as many people as you could in the trunk of your car?
414. Skipping school to go to Tanglewood for a swim.
415. Listening to the stories of how a friend talked to the animals while we partied at the gas wells.
416. Parties at the knoll.
417. Skating at the roller rink.
418. Lunch at Foxes, the Royal.
419. Headin’ to Custards Last Stand for a smoke before, during, and after school!!
420. Cowboy hill...behind the Rotruck, now Smith's, funeral home!!!
421. When you have at least one picture sitting on Santa's lap at the old Heck's.
422. When you remember the Sugar Bowl, Romig's Drug Store, Rosemont and the grades schools were on Mineral Street where CVS is now located and most everyone went to the firehall (upstairs) for dancing every Friday night.
423. You love getting gravy on your french fries, particularly from the Haven! Try ordering that in other parts of the state. They think you're nuts.
424. Video Village!!!
425. How about watching Huck stroll down the street with his long gait and fully extending his arm and bringing his hand slowly to his lips to puff on his cigarette.
426. Huck said at Fox's Pizza that he was going to drink himself into being a mind-reader.
427. Hucklebuck...yeah.
428. Pizza burgers at the Haven.
429. Rainbow Lanes...the old bowling alley where Denny's is now.
430. Walking from Vo-tech to McDonalds or 7-11 at lunch time.
431. Slurpees from 7-11 on the walk home from school with my Wonder Woman cup.
432. Hanging out with friends at the IGA parking lot.
433. KHS football games at Catamount field...especially when they played Frankfort!
434. Taking a walking TRIP from one parking lot party to the next.
435. Maters used to give us all flat-top haircuts.
436. You remember the feed store on Water St.
437. Having to drive across the old bridge to McCoole.
438. You remember the dump where Faulk's Scrap Yard is now.
439. How about the old toilet bowl factory?
440. When the airport was actually an airport.
441. When driving back from Cumberland or LaVale via Rt. 220, just as you top the hill approaching the Chat and Chew, someone in the car always asked.....who farted????? But then you realize, it's just the smell of the Papermill and the Westernport Poop Pond saturating the air.....and you say to yourself...........Ah Keyser.
442. You remember Kenny's corner where Sheetz is now.
443. Hackley's store where Kelly Harmen Kuhn has her law office. Your dad would take you there when you were little and you liked how the bolonga hung down from the ceiling!
444. Remember doing donuts in the snow in Hecht’s parking lot. One time we drove onto the track in the snow and did donuts.
445. You take your kids to the Royal restaurant for a snack and they are looking for their parents initials carved into the booth and find instead their grandparent's initials.
446. You remember when you could actually drive 50 mph from Keyser to New Creek. Now for some reason everyone seems to think the speed limit is 30!!!
447. As an 8 year old, your dad worked at Domino’s and let you help make the pizzas. You got a tour of the entire area, figured out how to make the pizzas, and afterwards, you got to enjoy a pepperoni, green pepper, and mushroom pizza. Yum!!!
448. Your dad let you drive, as a 4-year-old, just down the block, with his help of course, lol.
449. You remember having to take the scary fire escape from the primary school to the middle school in order to go to music class or to bang erasers!
450. First-grade crushes were sweet memories.
451. You remember seeing Mr. Weimer (principal) paddling a boy on the playground during recess. He was made to bend down and grab his ankles. Scared you to death, never wanted to see inside Mr. Weimer's office.
452. Your grandma had an outhouse in the backyard.
453. You know all the dirt roads.
454. You remember Nick’s Hoagies and B-Street Market.
455. You remember street dances in the A&P parking lot.
456. You remember the Golden Girls-and not the TV show either.
457. How about the Blue Jay?
458. You remember the "Paddytown Four" - Scott Wilson, Bob & Bill Shank, and Chuck Scragg.
459. You remember Roy's Place. It was out in the west end of town on West Piedmont Street...across from the railroad property...Situated on the corner of West Piedmont Street. It was open about a year...about 1968.
460. When you will actually take the time to read "all" 459 replies before yours and you can relate to most of them.
461. You remember the east-end playground movie night ... popcorn and a six ounce coke for a dime. Watching Buster Crab and Joey Brown and other stars of those years and you were crowned king and queen of the playground.
462. What about driving home from Cumberland at night and seeing dirty flicks on the High-Rock Drive-in movie screen. Awkward silence in the car with Mom and Dad as passing by.
463. You skipped school to go to the Blue Hole, in downtown Barnan, WV, with friends to swim and party.
464. You skipped 6th period to swim in the dam by Route 220.
465. How about the annual Easter Egg Hunt on Fort Hill? You never found an egg, but you found off the wall a couple of times or a silver dollar to boot.
466. You remember the horse and wagon garbage pickup.
467. You remember when Grace Methodist Youth Group took a bus to the Hi-Land Roller Rink in LaVale every other Sunday and have some good memories from those.
468. Also, how about ice skating @ Broome's Pond (on Linden Dr.) in the late '60s/early 70s?
469. Shepp's grocery store on South Main had the best glazed donuts brought in every Saturday morning. You’d walk down in your pajamas and "charge" a dozen on the account! Your dad would get the bill at the end of the month.......LMAO!
470. When you went to the Sat matinee at the Music Hall, and the Liberty Theater.
471. You remember going to see movies at the little park on Piedmont St.
472. You remember the Sugar Bowl.
473. You remember taking your trusty roller skates to the armory and skating to Kenny Nolan's "I Like Dreamin" cause dreamin can make you mine!!!
474. And riding your bike through the tunnel and on the island was an adventure!!!
475. You remember Mary's Place on the corner of D Street and West Piedmont; A place for the locals and railroaders to grab a few beers and pasta!!!
476. You remember Grayson's Sporting Goods, Romig’s Drug Store, and Movies in the Park across the tracks.
477. Your favorite song on the jukebox, drinking a coke with some cheese naps, and sitting in a booth with your best buds playing football with a folded pack of matches. That was the life!
478. You remember the big Garment Factory Fire. Ashes were falling all over town.
479. You thought it was the coolest thing that all your teachers were also THUNDERHILL!!! And you thought it was even cooler when your cousin was married to one.
480. You saw a movie at the theatre on Main Street....
481. You were leaving school for lunch, eating down town, shooting a game of pool, then headed back to school.
482. You would go to Pullman's Music Store on Main St and get records that came off the Juke Boxes for a dime. This was a favorite lunch time trip.
483. You would go home for lunch and watch Jeopardy.
484. You remember those pageants that the grade school held in May and you gathered from the grade school buildings over to old Keyser High. The sixth graders had an Irish Theme and Mrs. Fury taught you an Irish Jig.
485. You went swimming in the 'pond' in Larenim Park and jumping off the tower. Did it in Scouts once and then with friends later - even though it was posted not to.
486. You remember when they let a school kid name the park and the winner was "Mineral" spelled backwards! Later, it was a founder of Apple Alley Players who built the theater there to do "McNeill's Rangers."
487. You remember the "Sugar Bowl Restaurant" building when it housed a Model/Hobby Store on the first floor and became a model aircraft and car builder.
488. You remember Mr. Judy, the truant officer.
489. You survived Mr. Shaffer's Chemistry Classes and remember when a couple of students whipped up some really great ‘lighter fluid’ and ‘tested’ their Zippo Lighters in class.
490. When you get arrested by M.T Cannon.
491. You remember the Roller Rink up at the Armory Building and all the Friday night dances.
492. You remember and love all kinds of great things about growing up on Argle and Main Streets, but the best are those Saturday mornings, your mom and you would walk to Monroe's for her to get her hair done playing upstairs and throughout the shop then on to shappiro's to look at clothes and the newest buster brown shoes.
493. All the times your daddy would take you to the corner drug store for ice cream floats and the green spinning stools, then on to the firehall for the afternoon all day to play pool in the lounge while listening to Elvira.
494. You loved the firehall dances playing basketball at the playground and playing at the mill back in your backyard on Argyle Street.
495. How about the winters ice staking on new creek above the filtration plant?
496. Burning old Christmas trees and car tires.
497. You remember your mom bought every pair of ice stakes in the whole tri-state area so the whole neighborhood could skate.
498. You remember going to the Gaswell’s on Pine Swamp to party illegally and not get caught because none of the Barney's in town would come up there but having to go to the Pit instead when nails and other things were being thrown out.
499. Penny Candy at Kenny’s Corner.
500. Redeem coupons for face value for any merchandise at Herbie Harman store.
501. The “lumberjacks” at the sports games.
502. The french fry and gravy combination from the Rosemont restaurant.
503. The ice cream from Romig's Drug Store.
504. Will never forget the dances at the Fire Hall, Blue Jay and the Moose Club.
505. You remember when Wayne's Meat Market used to be Stewards, and a feed store before that.
506. You know all about the cave on Corridor H near Scherr.
507. You remember when you could watch movies at the West End Playground in the summer.
508. You remember watching baseball games during the day and eating the best coney dogs from the concession stand. During one of the movies, you lost your money to get a snack and someone gave you some of theirs.
509. The cake-walk.
510. There were also movies at East End playground and they were also shown at North End as well. At one time they were shown at another East End location on Armstrong Street just past the bridge to the left and down the little hill.
511. Those who went to the East End playground remember Mrs. Stoutamyer.
512. You know the guy selling the trash bag and said if you were to pick up trash around the playground, you could have a bag for free.
513. You had some great times at the Blue Jay, the Chat and Chew and the Sugar Bowl.
514. The corner grocery store, on South Main St.
515. Working at Romig's drug store brings back a lot of great memories.
516. Nothing like a small town to grow up in and you enjoy going back for visits.
517. You remember delivering papers and at the end of the route would go to Cozy Corner and play the pinball machine and juke box. Guy Clem operated it then and Mrs. Staggs worked there and she would laugh at you for eating Campbell’s beef noodle soup for breakfast.
518. You remember "The Little Restaurant" on Armstrong Street very near the old News Tribune Office. It was good food.
519. You also remember a waitress named "Icey". She put up with a lot of crap back then and would just smile and say WATCH IT.
520. Your Great-Grandmother owned the Little Restaurant and a few others.
521. Stewarts was on the street in front of the High School, close to the service station, and post office with the blueberry tarts.
522. On Armstrong St, the Rosemont.
523. On the corner of Main and Armstrong, you remember People’s Drug. They had a soda fountain.
524. People’s had the BEST chocolate milk shakes!!!
525. The Rosemont was good eatin' too.
526. Video Village and you remember playing Defender for hours.
527. You remember just hangin’ in the parking lot waiting for the cops to run us off.
528. Every 4th of July is extremely crowded no matter what.
529. Some people would go around selling glow in the dark necklaces and they were always a must have especially for the girls when they were little because those were their halos.
530. The Chat and Chew with super burgers and french fries with gravy. What a place for a date after work on a Friday or Saturday night.
531. You walked to school everyday rain or shine.
532. You have lived, loved, and moved on and still have wonderful family and friends in the area and at times even miss the ole place.
533. You remember when Little Anthony and the Imperials put on a show at Potomac State in the new center they had, and to you it was like the world had come to Keyser.
534. You loved CLS's chili dogs and burritos too!
535. You remember going up to Custard's last stand after school as quick as you could before the buses came and most of the time the line was so long your bus got there before you got waited on and you have to wait till the next to try and get your goodies.
536. The malted milkshakes.
537. You remember when the A&P parking lot had bands from all over the area playing and people dancing and Mr. Nunzio Barbara went out to said parking lot on more than one occasion to help out.
538. You remember when the band would be marching up Fort Avenue after bravely crossing South Mineral Street, of course, and one could hear the music at your own house.
539. You remember when going to Chat n Chew and parking at the speakers and placing your order and they would bring them out to you, and then you would watch all the car races.
540. Your grandmother was the school's dental hygienist way back in the 50's and 60's.
541. Your parents were high school sweethearts from there.
542. Your granddad was a policeman back during that time.
543. Your teeth were cleaned and checked by Florence Griffin, who was a warm and friendly person, back in the day.
544. You remember playing “Kick the Cans”, “Spotlight, “Hide and Seek”, “Cops and Robbers”, “Hopscotch”-with its chalk and stone, “Monopoly”, “Maball”, and “Footraces” on many streets through town during many summer nights.
545. You remember the first Armory on Water Street.
546. You can’t cross the tracks at Faulks Junk Yard.
547. You remember the tressle and snagging suckers off the wall where winos hungout in the junkyard.
548. Your uncle worked for Burgess Farm and Feed Supply.
549. You remember the Farm and Feed store used to be the Ice Plant.
550. You know the first Keyser High School was the red building on Mineral Street while the most famous one is the one by CVS and the new one is near the Wal-Mart.
551. You hate the new bridge they are planning on building because of a lot of stuff that will be torn down.
552. You remember Saturday matinees at the Liberty theatre with the big fellow who would walk up and down the aisles growling "Quiet in here!" as all of the screaming grade schoolers waited for the Cisco Kid.
553. You miss sausage gravy and biscuits at Mr. Donut.
554. You remember when Joe Wilson spit out the window from the 2nd floor at the same time Mrs. Boyer stuck her head out the window at the same time from the 1st Floor. She wasn't too happy.
555. You remember when there was a skating rink on Main St.
556. You remember Kemps Restaurant.
557. When you throw a can of beer across the Potomac and it lands in Maryland.
558. …Or you would not be wasting a perfectly good beer throwing it across the Potomac just to see if you can hit Maryland.
559. While a 4th grade-girl (who shall remain nameless) was getting paddled, she knocked down Ms Crowe and ESCAPED from KPMS. It was better than Prison Break.
560. When the teachers paddled, some would hit so hard that it would leave the kids’ head rocking back or you would get hit in the backside for something you didn’t even do and your parents didn’t believe you.
561. There was open classrooms so that you could see everything happening in the other rooms.
562. When you mention Pot State in a conversation and everyone knows what you’re talking about.
563. When the teens would go to the Chat n Chew on Saturday nights.
564. The dances at the fire department on Wednesday and Friday nights.
565. The skating rink on W. Piedmont St.
566. You know the easy way to Queens Point.
567. You know where Cowboy Hill is.
568. You know what parking is at the Airport Addition.
569. You know the current location of the big clock that was in front of Ebert's Jewelry Store on Main Street.
570. You know what the Blue Jay used to be.
571. Your in-laws are from there.
572. When you can remember sled riding down Fairview alley and trying to turn on East Piedmont Street to ride to Water Street and The City Police would block off the area for all of the kids to have fun there.
573. The bonfires by New Creek in the winter for ice skating.
574. 4th of July when Wensell would line the creek walls with fuses from the rail road and everyone would bring out their fireworks.
575. You remember when the Tiger Tractor Plant across the tracks just behind Southern States and the old Moose Building caught Fire and wow, was that a blaze!!!
576. You remember the old High Rock Drive-In in McCoole/Rawlings and your parents would take you there when you were a little kid.
577. You would go to the Drive-In as a kid and they would start showing the “special” movies.
578. You don’t remember the movies but instead went playing on the playground but to not be sure what parents were doing.
579. As a teen, you went to the drive-in and snuck in the trunk to get in.
580. You remember the guy who used to stop at your house and pick up dirty diapers and drop off clean ones.
581. You remember when the milkman used to drop off milk, especially chocolate milk in those glass containers and would have that milk for breakfast if you slept out at night.
582. You remember when a man named Jim Browning drove the Iron City Beer truck and delivered to your house.
583. You remember when everyone's doctor was Jim Bosley.
584. You went "parking" on 21st Lane or by the Church in the Airport.
585. You know where 21st Lane is.
586. You remember your first trip to the Pinnacle or Blue Hole.
587. You remember when you had your pick of three movie theaters-The Liberty on Piedmont Street, The Music Hall and the Keyser Theater on Main Street.
588. You could go to the G.C. Murphy Co. department to buy about anything you wanted or needed and then go to the Cut-Rate Shoe Store next door for footwear.
589. At one time, a merry-go-round was located off of Armstrong Street, and brave or foolish children would hop on it when it was in motion.
590. Claude Metcalf's little grocery store on Water Street where he introduced soft serve ice cream to the community.
591. You remember "Kenny's Corner" where Sheetz is now.
592. You remember the Round House.
593. If you looked 18, you could have wine and beer and have a good ol' time with your pals.
594. You bought cigarettes at Kenny’s Corner when you were 15 and you thought you were cool.
595. You remember when Keyser was different than it is today.
596. You had fun and went to the Sugar Bowl and the Blue jay and shops only opened half a day on Wed. and some of went to the Races where you first saw Eddie Acarro win his first and saw him many times afterwards.
597. You saw President Truman and his wife when they came to Keyser and stopped and you all went to seem them at the train station and were standing in the back of the train and spoke to you.
598. Potomac state had a great foorball team and you all loved when they won which was often.
599. The drugstore made the best cherry coke which you had every time you went to town.
600. Your cousin worked at the dime store.
601. Your uncle owned the Patriotic Shoe Shop which your cousin now owns
602. Your uncle worked for the B&O.
603. You have great memories of your adult years there.
604. You remember when the Jewel Tea Man would stop and visit at your house with food items.
605. The Fuller Brush Man.
606. Mr. Keddy selling insurance.
607. Pancakes Dairy would deliver your milk products to the door.
608. You remember the Stone House on Route 50 when on Thursday nights you could take $5 and drink all night because the beers were 25 cents.
609. You remember all four playgrounds and had fun at all of them.
610. You used the bridge in the North End of Keyser to get over the Potomac River.
611. You remember Hurricane Hazel and the Potomac River flooding which you could ride a boat across Maple Avenue.
612. You remember a "Sparky" at the Keyser Fire Hall and have photos of it.
613. Your grandparents are buried at Queen’s Point and you go there to decorate the graves.
614. Some of your law enforcement and City Council members are who you knew when they were kids and you baby set at least one of them!
615. You ate at the Rosemont Restaurant.
616. You shopped at Shapiro's.
617. You bought corn from the Island.
618. You used the tunnel when there was a train on the tracks.
619. You couldn't wait for the Keyser Pool to open to May.
620. You know where "the hill" is, and grew up there!
621. When most of the furniture in your house came from Wolf's .
622. You got shoes shined, repaired and good conversation from Calemine's and loved the smell of the store when you walked in and he still works there.
623. You eat at Clancy's like it's a religion.
624. Your biggest summer event is the VFD carnival.
625. The Mineral County Fair in Fort Ashby is a big deal!
626. You bring friends who have never been there and you cross McCoole bridge and they want to know who busted ass in the car and you say" Oh thats just Luke Mill".
627. You know who Huck is.
628. Perk looked the other way as you sneaked into Visions.
629. You remember when Long's Island used to actually grow and sell strawberries.
630. The only island you go to is to get corn and strawberries.
631. You remember the booths at Romig's Drug Store.
632. You remember the Sugar Bowl.
633. You remember when Teen Town was in the firehall upstairs on Friday and Saturday nights and you loved to dance, hang out there while growing up, and singing, "I want to be bobby girl."
634. It's good when your end of town throws a reunion.
635. Went to the Teen Town by hitchhiking.
636. Your granddaughter goes to Potomac State and you get lost after so many years away for not really knowing where you are.
637. When you have attended the Pancake, Donut, and Ox Festivals.
638. You remember Jimmy's Pizza Shop out where Denny's is located, which was the first real pizza you ate because Chef Boyardee was the first pizza mix you bought and it was terrible tasting.
639. You remember Jimmy, "the kidd", Harman, who died last year.
640. You remember ordering half-coke/pepsi and half-sprite and the Orange Charm sucker at Jimmy’s Pizza which still had the best pizza at 60 cents a slice.
641. Your family knows how to really cook!!!
642. You remember Roundhouse Pizza which burned down in the mid-1960’s and was two down from Jimmy’s Pizza.
643. You remember George Chidster, who is in his 90’s today, and has a daughter Debbie who’s in her 50’s.
644. You think this is a great page.
645. You remember the barracks where the armory is now located.
646. Your front porch is covered in coal soot from the B&O causing bathtubs to have a ring of black.
647. You know what the Z Tower is which every time a hard rain came, the road would be flooded.
648. Your group gathers for a picture in front of the High School and you expect Gert and Jean to show up.
649. All your old camera gear was from Graysons on the corner of Mineral and Piedmont.
650. You used to ride your bike on the “old” Mineral Street, before it was redone and it became so congested with trucks.
651. You ran to the Mineral Street windows of the old elementary school to see Senator Humphrey ride by on a bus.
652. Christmas wasn’t Christmas until Potomac State turned on the big Star/Christmas Tree.
653. Easter candy was chocolate Easter eggs from Mr. Ellis.
654. You could hear the EUB church bells at 6:00 pm.
655. You remember Wildeman’s Dry Cleaner where the entrance to the Keyser Mall is now.
656. You could go on and on with things about Keyser.
657. You remember the good times you all shared at the West End Playground.
658. You remember the weekend square dancing with Smokey Householder calling the dances.
659. You remember the bicycle parades with them being decorated up to win a prize.
660. You remember the free movies shared with our friends.
661. It was a great place to spend summers with friends.
662. You remember traveling back from Cumberland in the summer to hear 90’s country and hanging out with your mom and cousin.
663. You remember traveling back from Cumberland in the winter to check out all the decorated houses and looking at Christmas decorations in the mall.
664. You put up Halloween and/or decorations every year during a WVU Football Home game.
665. Schools take the afternoon off to attend the home High School football games.
666. Hunting is an excusable absence from school.
667. You hear the fire department testing the alarm at 7 pm on Fridays.
668. Riding around was a trip in Stagger’s car going from Jimmy’s Pizza Shop to the Chat-N-Chew and back listening to the top hits of the day.
669. You heard Eddie Fisher’s mother call him for supper, Edddddddddddddddddddddddddiiiieee, and hear Eddie in reply, WELL!
670. You traveled on roads named the likes of…Waxler, Limestone, Stony Run, New Creek Drive, Fried Meat Ridge, Dirty Foot Road, and the WV side of Piedmont.
671. You’d like to have some Thunderhill Singers’ music.
672. The Thunderhill Singers have a website, accessed by Google, that has a few of their songs on it.
673. You’re still proud of the bright yellow/gold tornado on the back of your old black sweatshirt.
674. When your granddaughter is going to Pot State and finds the area boring but not back in the day because there was always something to get into.
675. You are a part of the Keyser/Paddy Town Minstrels Society.
676. You remember Mr. Stewart who was always sitting on the bench in front of t