The WPPS is for Wisconsin and surrounding areas of the midwest. Players can share tournaments and discuss other pool related topics. Players can request to join from Wisconsin and outlying states. The main goal of the group is to help the pool community in Wisconsin grow and be able to communicate tournaments and other topics that the members may be interested in. Keep in mind: This group is a pool players group. Therefor: Do not request to be added to the group if you do not play the game. This is not a public group. This is a closed group. Only members are able to see the groups posts.
The administrators DO moderate all request to join and will be looked at before requests are ok'd. It is best to message an admin before requesting to join or adding people. (It would make the process faster and easier)
Please feel free to share any and all info relating to the game.
NO Hijacking peoples threads!!!!!! Your comments will be deleted...
No spamming!!!!!! Shoes, sunglasses, etc. I have removed members for doing so in the past.
Play nice, if you have (words) towards another member. Settle it via personal message. Do NOT air out your (dirty laundry) on the groups wall.
Keep in mind. If the admins get a lot complaints about a member. That member will be removed if necessary.
The admins have the final say on any rule violations. This may include being booted from the WPPS group.
All pictures and tournaments need to be posted to the correct album. This allows for quicker searches for member to find.
If you are selling a item. Please post the pic in the for sale album.
Selling items. You can sell anything related to Pool/Billiards.
Cue/case raffles are now allowed.