Welcome to the new Tain Buy/Swap/Sell group.
The rules are as follows:-
* ALL posts MUST include a description & price/offers around - posts without prices will be removed.
* NO swearing or in appropriate language is permitted - these posts will be removed.
* NO pets/firearms/weapons are permitted - these posts will be removed.
* Business posts are allowed once a week.
* Lots of items to sell? A maximum of 5 individual posts are allowed. If you have more they MUST be put in an album OR you use a list (no photos just a description & price/offers around for items.
* Bumping posts (ie. moving them to the top) is only permitted every 24 hours. Posts bumped more than this may be removed without warning.
* Use your own photos & do not use copyrighted/watermarked images unless they are your own.
* Posts for sold items MUST be deleted once collected OR you ask admin to do it for you. Posts will automatically be deleted every 2 weeks.
* RESPECT others when agreeing to buy/swap/sell. Should a date/time change or you no longer want to, inform the other party at the earliest opportunity.
Failure to adhere to the above will result in posts being deleted and/or removal from the group.
If you have suggestions, issues or anything else relating to the group please get in touch with admin via private message & we will endeavour to help.
Finally, please note that admin run the group purely on a voluntary basis so all we ask is that you co-operate & bear this in mind.
Thank You
The Admin Team