This group is located in Duvall, WASHINGTON. Please do not request to join if you are not local or unwilling to meet in Duvall.
If your profile is blocked from being viewable from ANY of the admins, you will not be allowed in (and if you block after getting in, that is grounds for removal). Also, if your facebook profile is so private that we can't tell whether you are local or a spam bot, and we also can't send you a message to ask, then your request for membership will be denied. We are not asking that you expose your profile to the public, but we do require that nonfriends be able to message you, not just for the admins, but also for other members who may have questions about items you're selling or need to arrange pick up.
Closed group to prevent indexing.
A place to sell, trade, give away, buy, or find things. Kind of like a perpetual garage sale or flea market online in Duvall, Washington. Open to anyone willing to meet in Duvall, Washington.
ALL BUSINESSES who want to post here or advertise here MUST have written permission from the admin of Duvall Community Trading Post. (This permission can be by direct message or email.) Permission to post or advertise here may be revoked at any time for any reason. This group is not for promoting business.
If approved, please read the rules BEFORE posting.
Additional details of the group can be found in the Files section of the group.