Butler County Nebraska
Have extra stuff for sale?
Looking for something used?
This group is the place to post descriptions of items you have for sale, upload photos or post the things you are looking for.
In order to keep the page updated, Please delete your posts if your items have sold or you found what your were looking for and if your garage sale has passed. This is done by clicking the "X" that appears in the upper RH corner of your post when you mouse over it.
Feel free to add your friends to the group too...the bigger the better! If you have no friends in the group, send a request to join.
Please do not post work from home or internet marketing opportunities also known as multiple-layer marketing (MLM) or pyramid schemes, if found, they will be deleted and the posting individual will be removed from the group.
If you feel you have been removed in error, please ask a friend to post a note to the administrator asking for readmission to the group. All requests will be considered in one week or less.