Turmeric User Group UK

For all the people who would like to use Turmeric for themselves... or their animals. Admin need to see your profile or list of friends before you are approved, trying to eliminate spammers. smile emoticon then return to your normal Facebook settings.

Only Turmeric related posts are to be posted on the page and it is specifically for the UK.

Please do not use foul language and take others opinions into consideration. If you do not agree with something of course you are entitled to express your opinion but attacks on other users will not be tolerated.

Please can we remember that there is currently not enough research or information for any of us to guarantee success.

There will be OCCASIONAL cases where people or animals have a bad reaction to the use of turmeric as with any foodstuff (which this is).

It is suggested you begin with very low doses (1/4 teaspoon 2x a day) for a week, and increasing the amount very slowly for a week at each stage.


We are a self help group and this should be taken inconsideration when using information given to you. We recommend you discuss with your vet/Dr before taking this supplement especially if on medication. No medicines or treatments should be administered without consulting your Dr or Vet and no 'self diagnoses' should be made.

Just to re-iterate. This is a self help group, if turmeric was a sure thing, the pharmacies would be selling it at highly inflated prices, so for now its trial and error - and entirely your choice.

When you read articles for and against turmeric or any herbs or even medications please use your grey matter and asses the author. Is it a vet, a holistic vet, a veterinary nurse, a manufacturer, someone that has had a good experience, or one of few with a bad experience? Each writer will without thinking (some intentionally) put forward their own very persuasive argument. You need to read it carefully - read other advice too and make your own judgement on what is right for you or your animals.


Please take time to read through the files at the top of the page to get a good understanding on turmeric, its uses, recipes and guidance and advice.

It is recommended that you begin using turmeric at about 1/4 teaspoon 'dose' for about 5-7 days before increasing the frequency to twice a day. After increasing the frequency you can being to up the 'dose'.

Keep a close eye on your pet for anything you would consider to not be their 'normal' and stop using turmeric immediately if you have any concerns - contact your vet.

** RECIPE - as guidance only. Should make a thick paste **
60g turmeric powder
250ml water
1 1/2 teaspoons ground black pepper( about 5g)
70 ml- 2.4oz or 68g cold pressed Olive or Coconut oil or linseed oil.

If you have an issue please PM admin. Your admins are, Harriet Long, Mandy Hessing, Naomi Shiels. See More