5 Key performance indicators for a fan page


indicators for a fan pageReporting is a part of senior management in any business. And to social network administrators, it is crucially essential in following, managing the state of your fan page and even finding out the new needs of customers – an integral part in developing strategies.

According to Social Bakers’ studies, the efficiency of social network brings remarkableFfa increases in the number of loyal customers, marketing information, brand identity and traffic to website by 65%, 69%, 89% and 75% respectively to your business model. For facebook, Insights provides basic indicators such as the number of reaches, likes, visits, posts and people. However, these figures are so generic that they need further analyses through raw data. This article would help you to make a report on a fan page performance based on the available data.


The number of likes of a page is one of the most important indicators in need of regular check and evaluation. To new fan pages like Lookup-id, this number should be especially concerned as public potential of shares and brand interaction later. Moreover, the number also illustrates two facts relating to the efficiency of a page’s performance, include:

–    Natural growth: the change in net like (net likes = new likes – unlikes) shows how efficient the performance of your marketing (except advertising) and content is in attracting new potential customers and the concerned.

–    Advertisements on Facebook: if a fan page intends to use advertising to foster its business, the number of fans and people having the same interests as fans would be the most public potential groups that the advertisements first target at. As far as I concern, by that way CTR and Cost per engagement are quite low. You can easily set up the advertisements to aim at the two groups by making use of available tools on Facebook Ad Manager.  

–    In comparison with competitors: as the number of likes is invisible on every fan page, you can access competitors’ fan pages monthly without any difficulties and make bar charts to support your comparison in fans. In case your number of fans is much lower, try to improve by using email marketing, customer services, advertising campaigns or Facebook advertisements.

Growth of Total Fans

Engagement Rate – ER

As mentioned in Which actions as organic reach of fan page approaching 0%?, ER is the most important indicator at the time you are attempting to maintain a page’s performance. The higher ER is, the better organic reach is as Facebook’s algorithm will choose your content to appear on fans’ newsfeed.

Formula of ER (%):

ER formulaYou can get this data from Insights by the variable of posts. Note: It’s  made up of the sum of all likes, comments and shares of a certain period.

For the importance of this indicator, it’s advisory that if ER is too low compared with competitors, a decision on placing advertisements, holding events or offering promotion should be made to improve the amount of interaction.

Post interaction  

Facebook classifies posts into: status, note, link, photo and video.

You can follow this indicator in two modes: object-oriented (include the effectiveness of ads) and natural (remove the impact of ads). These figures show which post is the most interactive between you and your fans.

Once you know about this trend, you will have a certain plan to adjust the forms of content (text, photo, video or link) in order to reach as high ER as possible.


Compared to like or comment, share is an act with the highest connection in social networks and it creates a wide spread. In one hand, page’s reach will increase significantly as the shared contents will be easily displayed on the news feeds of people who have not been your fans yet. On the other hand, technically speaking, this behavior will help the later contents easily be shown on the news feeds of fans because EdgeRank algorithm is adjusted based on the interactive behavior of the users. In other words,  the more fans interact with a page, the more frequently the page’s contents appear.

In terms of content, the act of sharing a post means the content is attractive leading to higher interaction from viewers and increase ER.


The statistics of the share will need daily exporting raw data from Facebook Insight. You should compare the total share in days, weeks and months to get a better overview on how efficient the page’s content performance is so as to have suitable investment plans in the next months.


With the true meaning of reach, this indicator is the less important because high reach has no equivalence to a qualified fan page. However, without reach indicator it’s impossible to measure the how wide the content spread is.

There are two types of reach: organic and paid. Organic reach happens when the content is seen by fans and those who see the news feeds as their friends have a high interaction with that content (spread – virality). Paid reach is purely the reach gained from the use of Facebook advertising features to approach specific groups on Facebook.

This indicator is illustrated by diagrams in Insight and checked regularly for its huge advantage in creating advertising values. If the ratio of reach to your fans is low (just under 8%), you should review and improve ER to ensure the stability of reach increase. Another way to raise reach is to use advertisements or increase the number of fans. By this way, the page would be more livelier and the reach would obtain a sustainable development.


The monitoring and reporting activities of a Facebook fan page should be done weekly and monthly. To evaluate these indicators, the comparison between the indexes rather than just assessment on each individual one is needed. This results from the fact that a change in an indicator can affect the others consequently. For example, an increase in like leads to an increase in reach, an increase in interaction leads to an increase in reach,  an increase in reach  leads to an increase in like, etc.

The most important indicator also as a core factor that you need to hold is ER because it brings true value to the fan page, promote conversion rate from Facebook.